Undestanding your personality type – June 12th 2018
Raising self-awareness to thrive in your professional life – Dual Career Workshops
Using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is key to knowing yourself better and understanding how your personal style impacts interactions with others. Self-awareness of your style can help you work better in teams, be a better leader and, if you are reconsidering your career path, it can help you find a job that suits you by doing what you naturally enjoy most. Join us and unlock the secrets of personality type by registering here.
In previous sessions, the group has openly shared their experience and concerns and pro-actively found solutions. They also had lots of fun in the process! Join us and accelerate your integration.
When: June 12th 2018 – 14:00 to 17:00 The Swiss Business Culture.
Where: UNI Dufour, Rue Général-Dufour 24 – 1204 Geneva – Room 408
Who: Clients of Carrière2 and the Welcome Center as well as Active Synapses. Open to the public of newly arrived expats within availabilities.
How: Please bring your updated CV with you.
Price: 25 CHF to be paid directly before the workshop.